A toxic metallic element found in paint, dust,
water, and the ground.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
lead (verb)transitive verb
a) to guide on a way especially by going in advance
b) to direct on a course or in a direction
c) to serve as a channel for - a pipe leads water to the house
to go through - live lead a quiet life
a) (1) to direct the operations, activity, or performance of - lead an orchestra
(2) to have charge of - lead a campaign
(3) to ask (a witness) a question in a way that suggests what the answer should be to ask (a witness) a question - leading
b) (1) to go at the head of - lead a parade
(2) to be first in or among - lead the league
(3) to have a over - margin led his opponent
to bring to some conclusion or condition - led to believe otherwise
to begin play with - lead trumps
a) to aim in front of (a moving object) - lead a duck
intransitive verb
b) to pass a ball or puck just in front of (a moving teammate)
a) to guide someone or something along a way
b) to lie, run, or open in a specified place or direction - path leads uphill
c) to guide a dance partner through the steps of a dance
a) to be first
b) (1) - begin open
(2) to play the first card of a , round, or game - trick
to tend toward or have a result - study leading to a degree
to direct the first of a series of blows at an opponent in boxing guide
a) (1) - leadership
(2) - example precedent
b) (1) position at the front - vanguard
(2) - initiative
(3) the act or privilege of playing first in a card game , also the card or suit played first
c) a or measure of advantage or superiority or position in advance - margin
one that as - leads
a) - lode
b) a channel of water especially through a field of ice
c) - indication clue
d) a role in a dramatic production - principal , also one who plays such a role
e) - leash
f) (1) an introductory section of a news story
(2) a news story of chief importance
an insulated electrical connected to an electrical device - conductor
the course of a rope from end to end
the amount of axial advance of a point accompanying a complete turn of a thread (as of a screw or worm)
a position taken by a base runner off a base toward the next
the first punch of a series or an exchange of punches in boxing
acting or serving as a lead or - (see lead) leader a lead article
a bluish-white soft malleable plastic but inelastic heavy metallic element found mostly in combination and used especially in pipes, cable sheaths, batteries, solder, and shields against radioactivity - ductile see element table
a) a for sounding at sea - plummet
b) British a usually flat lead roof
c) lead framing for panes in windows
d) a thin strip of metal used to separate lines of in printing - type
a) a thin stick of marking substance (as graphite) in or for a pencil
b) - white lead
- bullets projectiles
- tetraethyl lead
transitive verb
to cover, line, or weight with lead - (see lead)
to fix (window glass) in position with - leads
to put space between the lines of (typeset matter)
to treat or mix with lead or a lead compound - leaded gasoline
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
lead (adjective)highest in rank or authority
chief, commanding, first, foremost, high, lead, leading, preeminent, premier, presiding, primary, prime, principal, supereminent, supreme, topRELATED WORDS:
high-level, senior; controlling, directing, managing, officiating, overseeing, regnant, reigning, ruling, supervisory; main, major, paramount, predominant, predominate, sovereign ( sovran); ascendant ( ascendent), dominant, grand, superior, topmost, upmost, upper, uppermostNEAR ANTONYMS:
ancillary, inferior, last, less, lesser, lower, lowly, second, secondary, subordinate, subsidiary; assistant, assisting, coadjutor, deputy, junior, under1.
the person who has the most important role in a play, movie, or TV show
headliner, lead, principalRELATED WORDS:
leading lady, leading man; superstar; ingenue ( ingénue), starlet; star turn []; coprincipal, costarNEAR ANTONYMS:
extra, supernumerary2.
the space or amount of space between two points, lines, surfaces, or objects
lead, length, remove, spacing, spread, stretch, wayRELATED WORDS:
altitude, area, breadth, depth, height, rise, space, volume, width; extension, extent; cast, range, reach, scope, shot, sweep, throw; drop, fall, flight, haul; berth, clearance3.
a piece of advice or useful information especially from an expert
hint, lead, pointerRELATED WORDS:
advice, advisement, assistance, counsel, guidance, recommendation, suggestion; caution, cautioning, sign, signal, telltale, tip-off, warning; brief, direction, feedback, instruction, observation; prompt, reminder, urging; answer, clue, solution4.
a slight or indirect pointing to something (as a solution or explanation)
clue, cue, indication, inkling, intimation, lead, suggestionRELATED WORDS:
breath, flicker, glimmer, glimpse, mention, scent, whiff, wind; hunch, idea, inspiration, notion; allusion, implication, inference, innuendo, insinuation; denotation, evidence, guidepost, key, mark, overtone, pointer, sign, signal, telltale, token; assistance, nod, prompt, tip, tip-off, wink; feeling, foreboding, intuition, premonition, presentiment, suspicion; augury, foreshadower, foretaste, harbinger, omen, portent, prefigurement, presage, symptomNEAR ANTONYMS:
answer, solution1.
to point out the way for (someone) especially from a position in front
conduct, direct, guide, marshal ( marshall), pilot, route, show, steer, usherRELATED WORDS:
precede; accompany, attend, chaperone ( chaperon), convoy, escort, see; control, manageNEAR ANTONYMS:
dog, hound, shadow, tail, tailgate2.
to serve as leader of
boss, captain, command, head, spearheadRELATED WORDS:
control, dominate; direct, govern, handle, manage, oversee, regulate, run, superintend, superviseNEAR ANTONYMS:
bow (to), comply (with), defer (to), follow, obey, serve, submit (to), yield (to)3.
to be at the front of
precede; announce, herald; accompany, attend, escort, usherNEAR ANTONYMS:
conclude, end, finish, stop, terminate; tail, tailgate; dog, follow, trail4.
to be positioned along a certain course or in a certain direction
bear, extend, go, head, lead, lieRELATED WORDS:
cross, cut, pass; course, follow, span, traverse5.
to give advice and instruction to (someone) regarding the course or process to be followed
coach, counsel, lead, mentor, pilot, shepherd, show, tutorRELATED WORDS:
godfather; direct, engineer, steer, sway; accompany, attend, chaperone ( chaperon), convoy, escort, see, squire; oversee, superintend, supervise; drill, train; brief, enlighten, inform; instruct, school, teach, tutor; inculcate, indoctrinate; cultivate, foster, nurtureRisk Free Exam Pass Guarantee
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