Studying for a test, specifically the real estate exam, can be tedious and time consuming. Long hours and late nights spent cramming pages and pages of information into your head, hoping you can somehow regurgitate it onto paper for a good score. How can you make each minute you study count? What are the best ways to effectively study? Each hour you spend staring at the same information, the more crossed your eyes get and the more your brain wanders. Then you read the same information over and over. Is the information sticking? Rather than fretting and stressing, take advantage of these study hacks to make the most out of your precious study time.
Read out loud
Simple reading in your head the information for hours at a time can get really tiring. Your mind wanders and you may find yourself reading the same paragraph over and over again. Read out loud, emphasizing key phrases and words.
Stay away from distractions
Study in a quiet, unstimulated area because noise and distractions divert your attention away from the goal. If you listen to music, try instrumental or classical as words in music get in your head. Keep the TV off and most importantly, turn off your phone or put it on silence. Smartphones are huge distractions as games, social media and texting is all too tempting when you’re tired of studying.
Create flashcards
To break up the monotony of studying, create flashcards with key information. Quiz yourself and go through these cards backwards and forwards. Have a friend go through these cards with you and see if you can get everyone right.
Take practice tests
Taking practice tests is a great idea as it gets your mind in test mode. Practice tests for any subject can be found online and especially for the real estate exam, you cannot afford to miss out on these vital practice tests. They have similar questions that the real test will have. Practice tests help you remember the information you will need for the big exam day.
Take a breather
Don’t forget to take frequent breaks when you study. A brisk walk or a healthy snack is a good diversion to give your brain a rest. Do this about every hour or so because studying for longer than that can tire your mind out, making it so you don’t assimilate any new information.
Practice often
Finding time throughout the day to practice is best. Eating a bowl of cereal? Go through your flashcards while you eat. Waiting to pick up your dry cleaning? Carry some notes with you to review. Whenever you can, find opportunities to refresh that important information.
Get enough sleep
Do not stay up late into the night studying as fatigue makes it hard to concentrate and remember. Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night will rejuvenate you and keep you refreshed each day. Trying to study when you are sleepy is ineffective and useless as exhaustion impairs recollection during a test.
Success on the real estate exam depends on your determination
If you are serious about passing the real estate exam, studying productively is imperative. Signing up for a free trial on Real Estate Prep Guide will assist you in your study and on your way to a very rewarding career. No matter where you live, you can find all the information and requirements you will need for your state. Study smarter, not harder and with these study hacks and Real Estate Prep Guide, you are on your way to success.
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