Stated in words (spoken or written).
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
express (adjective)1.
a) directly, firmly, and explicitly stated - my express orders
b) - exact precise
a) designed for or adapted to its purpose
b) of a particular sort - specific for that express purpose
a) traveling at high speed , specifically traveling with few or no stops along the way - express train
b) adapted or suitable for travel at high speed - an express highway
c) British designated to be delivered without delay by special messenger explicit
obsolete - expressly
by express - delivered express
a) British a messenger sent on a special errand
b) British a dispatch conveyed by a special messenger
c) (1) a system for the prompt and safe transportation of parcels, money, or goods at rates higher than standard freight charges
(2) a company operating such a merchandise freight service
d) British - special delivery
an express vehicle
transitive verb
a) - delineate depict
b) to represent in words - state
c) to give or convey a true impression of - show reflect
d) to make known the opinions or feelings of (oneself)
e) to give to the artistic or creative impulses or abilities of (oneself) - expression
f) to represent by a sign or symbol - symbolize
a) to force out (as the juice of a fruit) by pressure
b) to subject to pressure so as to extract something
to send by express
to cause (a gene) to manifest its effects in the phenotype , also to manifest or produce (a character, molecule, or effect) by a genetic process
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
express (adjective)1.
of a particular or exact sort
concrete, distinct, especial, peculiar, precise, set, special, specificRELATED WORDS:
lone, only, separate, single, sole, solitary; distinctive, exclusive, individual, unique; limited, restricted; differentiated, specialized; given, specifiedNEAR ANTONYMS:
general, generalized, generic, nonexclusive, universal2.
so clearly expressed as to leave no doubt about the meaning
clear-cut, definite, definitive, express, specific, unambiguous, unequivocal, univocalRELATED WORDS:
avowed, declared, specified, stated; categorical ( categoric), complete, comprehensive, exhaustive, full; certain, sure, unmistakable; clear, distinct, lucid, well-defined; exact, precise; direct, literal, plain, simple, straightforward; comprehensible, intelligible, understandableNEAR ANTONYMS:
cryptic, dark, enigmatic ( enigmatical), obscure, unclear; imprecise, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact; incomprehensible, unintelligibleone that carries a message or does an errand
courier, express, go-between, page, runnerRELATED WORDS:
forerunner, harbinger, herald; agent, ambassador, delegate, deputy, emissary, envoy, representative; bearer, carrier, deliveryman, letter carrier, mail carrier, mailman1.
to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion)
air, expound, give, look, raise, sound, state, vent, ventilate, voiceRELATED WORDS:
advertise, announce, declare, enounce, enunciate, proclaim, say; broadcast, circulate, disseminate, publish; describe, write, write up; sound off, speak out, speak up; chime in; communicate, convey, put across, put over; offer, submitNEAR ANTONYMS:
censor, restrain, restrict2.
to apply external pressure on so as to force out the juice or contents of
crush, express, mash, squeezeRELATED WORDS:
ream; pulp, puree ( purée); extract, extrude3.
to communicate or convey (as an idea) to the mind
denote, express, import, intend, signify, spellRELATED WORDS:
connote, imply, suggest; add up (to), amount (to); hint, infer, insinuate, intimate; embody, epitomize, personify, represent, symbol, symbolize; advert, allude (to), cite, instance, mention, refer (to), specify, touch (on upon); designate, indicate, point (to), signal; announce, declare, proclaim; elucidate, explain4.
to convey in appropriate or telling terms
articulate, clothe, couch, express, formulate, put, say, state, wordRELATED WORDS:
craft, frame; hint, imply, insinuate, intimate, suggest; paraphrase, rephrase, restate, reword, summarize, translate; communicate, disclose, speak, talk, tell, utter, verbalize, vocalize; describe, render, write up5.
to represent in visible form
body, epitomize, express, externalize, incarnate, incorporate, instantiate, manifest, materialize, personalize, personify, substantiateRELATED WORDS:
actualize, concretize, realize; exemplify, illustrate, image, objectify, symbolize, typifyRisk Free Exam Pass Guarantee
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