1. The authorization of the
expenditure of funds and the source of those
funds. 2. Taking private property for public use,
through the government’s power of eminent
domain. Also called: Condemnation.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
appropriation (noun)
an act or instance of - appropriating
something that has been - appropriated , specifically money set aside by formal action for a specific use
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
appropriation (noun)
a sum of money allotted for a specific use by official or formal action
allocation, allotment, annuity, entitlement, grant, subsidy, subvention
aid, assistance, block grant, grant-in-aid, set-aside; foreign aid, relief, state aid; advance, allowance, benefit, bequest, endowment, fund, legacy, stipend, trust, trust fund
appropriation (noun)
the unlawful taking or withholding of something from the rightful owner under a guise of authority
arrogation, commandeering, detainer, expropriation, preemption, seizure, takeover, usurpation
annexation, assumption, attachment, confiscation, grab, impoundment, repossession, sequestration; defalcation, embezzlement, misapplication, misappropriation, misuse, peculation, theft; despoilment, looting, pillaging; encroachment, infringement, piracy; invasion, occupancy, occupation, preoccupancy, trespass; deforcement, disfurnishment, dispossession, ejection, stripping
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