Having no legal force or effect.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
void (adjective)1.
a) not occupied - vacant a void bishopric
b) not inhabited - deserted
containing nothing - void space
- idle leisure
a) being without something specified - devoid a nature void of all malice
b) having no members or examples , specifically of a suit having no cards represented in a particular hand
- vain useless
a) of no legal force or effect - null a void contract
b) - voidable empty
a) - opening gap
b) empty space - emptiness vacuum
the quality or state of being without something - lack absence
a feeling of want or hollowness
absence of cards of a particular suit in a hand originally dealt to a player
transitive verb
a) to make empty or vacant - clear
b) archaic - vacate leave
- discharge emit
intransitive verb
- nullify annul to eliminate solid or liquid waste from the body
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
void (adjective)1.
having no legal or binding force
bad, inoperative, invalid, nonbinding, nonvalid, nugatory, null and void, voidRELATED WORDS:
illegal; useless, worthless; ineffective, ineffectualNEAR ANTONYMS:
legal; working2.
lacking contents that could or should be present
bare, blank, clean, devoid, stark, toom, vacant, vacuous, voidRELATED WORDS:
barren, hollow; available, clear, free, open; unfilled, unfurnished; unattended, uninhabited, unoccupied; abandoned, deserted, emptied, forsaken, vacated; depleted, drained, dry, exhaustedNEAR ANTONYMS:
complete; replete; furnished, provided, supplied; filled, occupied; flush, overflowing, packed, teeming3.
utterly lacking in something needed, wanted, or expected
bankrupt, bare, barren, bereft, destitute, voidRELATED WORDS:
blank, empty, innocent, stark, vacant, wanting; deficient, fragmental, fragmentary, incomplete, insufficient, partial, short; absent, missingNEAR ANTONYMS:
furnished, provided, supplied; brimming, bulging, bursting, chock-full ( chockful), crammed, crowded, fat, jammed, jam-packed, loaded, packed, saturated, stuffed; abounding, swarming, teeming, thick, thronging4.
left unoccupied or unused
derelict, deserted, desolate, disused, forgotten, forsaken, rejected, vacant, vacated, voidRELATED WORDS:
ignored, neglected, unattended, untended; castaway, cast-off, discarded, jettisoned, junked, refuse, waste; godforsaken, miserable, shabby, wretched; empty, idleNEAR ANTONYMS:
reclaimed, recovered, redeemed, rescued, retrieved, salvaged, saved; reconditioned, rehabbed, rehabilitated, restored; repeopled1.
an incomplete or deficient area
hiatus, hole, lacuna, space, voidRELATED WORDS:
defectiveness, detriment, disability, failing, fault, impairment, weakness; deficiency, deficit, imperfection, inadequacy, inadequateness, incompleteness, insufficience, insufficiency, lack, need, shortcoming, shortfall, wantNEAR ANTONYMS:
completeness, fullness2.
empty space
black hole, blank, blankness, emptiness, vacuity, voidRELATED WORDS:
nothingness; inane, vacuum; air, open, waste; bareness, barrenness, bleakness, desolateness, hollowness; cavity, gap, hole, hollowNEAR ANTONYMS:
fullness ( fulness), repleteness3.
an open space in a barrier (as a wall or hedge)
breach, break, discontinuity, gulf, hiatus, hole, interstice, interval, opening, rent, rift, separation, voidRELATED WORDS:
chink, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, fissure; notch, slit, slot, split; interspace, pore; abyss, aperture, cavity, chasm, gape, orifice; fracture, rupture, severance, sundering1.
to put an end to by formal action
abate, abrogate, annul, avoid, cancel, disannul, dissolve, invalidate, negate, null, nullify, quash, repeal, rescind, roll back, strike down, vacate, voidRELATED WORDS:
countermand, override, overrule, overturn, veto; abort, call, call off, drop, recall, retract, reverse, revoke, suspend, withdraw; ban, enjoin, forbid, outlaw, prohibit; disallow, dismiss, reject; annihilate, break down, eliminate, eradicate, erase, liquidate, remove, throw out, write offNEAR ANTONYMS:
enact, lay down, legislate; establish, found, institute; formalize, legalize, legitimate, legitimize, validate; pass, ratify; allow, approve, authorize, clear, endorse ( indorse), permit, sanction, warrant; command, decree, mandate, order, prescribe2.
to remove the contents of
clear, evacuate, vacate, voidRELATED WORDS:
deplete, drain, eliminate, exhaust, waste; bleed, draw (off); clean, flush, purge, scour, sweepRisk Free Exam Pass Guarantee
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