To overturn a lower court’s decision onappeal, ruling in favor of the appellant. Compare:Affirm.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
reverse (adjective)1.
a) opposite or contrary to a previous or normal condition - reverse order
b) (1) having the back presented to the observer or opponent
(2) made with one's back to the basketball net - a reverse layup
coming from the rear of a military force
acting, operating, or arranged in a manner contrary to the usual
effecting reverse movement - reverse gear
so made that the part which normally prints in color appears white against a colored background
transitive verb
a) to turn completely about in position or direction
b) to turn upside down - invert
c) to cause to take an opposite point of view - reversed herself on the issue
as - negate undo
a) to overthrow, set aside, or make void (a legal decision) by a contrary decision
b) to change to the contrary - reverse a policy
c) to undo or negate the effect of (as a condition or surgical operation) - had his vasectomy reversed
intransitive verb
to cause to go in the opposite direction , especially to cause (as an engine) to perform its action in the opposite direction
to turn or move in the opposite direction - the count's waltzing … consisted … of reversing at top speed Agatha Christie
to put a mechanism (as an engine) in reverse
something directly contrary to something else - opposite
an act or instance of - reversing , especially - defeat setback suffered financial reverses
the back part of something , especially the side of a coin or currency note that is opposite the obverse
a) (1) a gear that something - reverses , also the whole mechanism brought into play when such a gear is used
(2) movement in reverse
b) an offensive play in football in which a back moving in one direction gives the ball to a player moving in the opposite direction
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
reverse (noun)1.
a change in status for the worse usually temporarily
knock, lapse, reversal, setbackRELATED WORDS:
disappointment, frustration, letdown; comedown, decline, descent, down, downfall, fall; turnabout, turnaround; recession, regression, retrogression, reversion; relapse; breakdown, collapse, crash, meltdown, ruin, undoingNEAR ANTONYMS:
status quo2.
something that is as different as possible from something else
antipode, antithesis, contrary, counter, negative, obverse, reverseRELATED WORDS:
negation; antonym; counterpoint; converse, inverse, mirror imageNEAR ANTONYMS:
synonym; analogue ( analog), counterpart; carbon copy, copy, duplicate, replica3.
a behind part or surface
back, reverse, tail1.
to change (as an opinion) to the contrary
abrogate, annul, overturn, repeal, rescind, revoke, strike down; about-face, backtrack, countermand, revertNEAR ANTONYMS:
maintain, support, uphold2.
to change the position of (an object) so that the opposite side or end is showing
flip, invert, turn overRELATED WORDS:
transpose; exchange, interchange, shift, switch; overturn, upsetRisk Free Exam Pass Guarantee
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