Intentional or negligent misrepresentation
or concealment of a material fact; making
statements that a person knows, or should
realize, are false or misleading.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
fraud (noun)
a) - deceit trickery , specifically intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right
b) an act of deceiving or misrepresenting - trick
a) a person who is not what he or she pretends to be - impostor , also one who defrauds - cheat
b) one that is not what it seems or is represented to be deception, imposture
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
fraud (noun)
an instance of the use of dishonest methods to acquire something of value
bunco ( bunko), con, fiddle, flimflam, gyp, hustle, scam, shell game, sting, swindle
cross, fix; Ponzi scheme, pyramid scheme; racket, rip-off; thimblerig, three-card monte; device, dodge, gimmick, jig, ploy, scheme, sleight, stratagem, trick, wile; gouging, overcharging, soaking; counterfeit, fake, forgery, hoax, humbug, phony ( phoney), sham
fraud (noun)
one who makes false claims of identity or expertise
charlatan, fake, faker, fakir, fraud, hoaxer, humbug, mountebank, phony ( phoney), pretender, quack, quacksalver, ringer, sham
copycat, imitator, impersonator, mimic; actor, bluffer, counterfeiter, deceiver, dissembler, duper, feigner, misleader, operator, trickster; poseur; cozener, defrauder, dodger, fraudster [], scammer, scamster, sharper, sharpie ( sharpy), skinner, swindler
ace, adept, authority, crackerjack ( crackajack), expert, maestro, master, past master, professional, virtuoso, whiz, wizard
fraud (noun)
the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery
artifice, cheating, cozenage, craft, craftiness, crookedness, crookery, cunning, cunningness, deceitfulness, deception, deceptiveness, dishonesty, dissembling, dissimulation, double-dealing, dupery, duplicity, fakery, foxiness, fraud, guile, guilefulness, wiliness
equivocation, lying, mendacity, prevarication; chicane, chicanery, fraudulence, hanky-panky, jugglery, legerdemain, mountebankery, obliquity, skulduggery ( skullduggery), subterfuge, swindling, trickery, wile; falsehood, falsity, fib, untruth; hypocrisy, insincerity, sanctimoniousness, two-facedness; artfulness, caginess ( cageyness), deviousness, shrewdness; treacherousness, underhandedness, unscrupulousness; covertness, furtiveness, secrecy, shadiness, sneakiness, stealthiness; oiliness, shiftiness, slickness, slipperiness, slyness, smoothness
candidness, candor, directness, frankness, openness, plainness, plainspokenness; honesty, probity; dependability, reliability, reliableness, solidity, trustability, trustiness, trustworthiness; decency, goodness, incorruptibility, integrity, righteousness, truthfulness, uprightness, virtuousness
artlessness, forthrightness, good faith, guilelessness, ingenuousness, sincerity
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