Termination of a contract without
undoing the acts already performed under it.
Compare: Rescission.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
cancellation (noun)1.
the act or an instance of - canceling
something (as a hotel room or a ticket) made available by the canceling of an arrangement
a mark made to something (as a postage stamp) - cancel
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
cancellation (noun)1.
the act of putting an end to something planned or previously agreed to
abandonment, abortion, calling, calling off, dropping, recall, recision, repeal, rescission, revocationRELATED WORDS:
annulment, invalidation, neutralization, nullification, voidance; abolishment, abolition, ending, halting, stopping, termination; giving up, relinquishment, surrender; reversal, rollbackNEAR ANTONYMS:
beginning, commencement, initiation; engagement, undertaking2.
the doing away with something by formal action
abatement, abolishment, abrogation, annulment, avoidance, cancellation ( cancelation), defeasance, dissolution, invalidation, negation, nullification, quashing, repeal, rescindment, voidingRELATED WORDS:
abortion, calling off, recall; countermand, override, overruling, overturn, veto; retraction, reversal, revocation, suspension, withdrawal; banning, enjoining, forbiddance, outlawing, prohibition; disallowance, dismissal, rejection; elimination, eradication, erasure, liquidation, removalNEAR ANTONYMS:
enactment, legislation; establishment, founding, institution; formalization, legalization, legitimation, legitimization, validation; passing, ratification; approval, authorization, clearance, endorsement ( indorsement), permission, sanctioning; commandment, decreeing, mandating, ordering, prescriptionRisk Free Exam Pass Guarantee
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