1. To transfer a right or interest to another;
2. A tenant transferring his right of possession
or other interest in leased property to another
for the remainder of the lease term. Compare:
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
assign (verb)transitive verb
to transfer (property) to another especially in trust or for the benefit of creditors
a) to appoint to a post or duty - assigned them to light duty assigned me two clerks
b) to appoint as a duty or task - assigns 20 pages for homework
to fix or specify in correspondence or relationship - assign counsel to the defendant assign a value to the variable
a) to ascribe as a motive, reason, or cause especially after deliberation
b) to consider to belong to (a specified period of time) ascribe
- assignee heirs and assigns
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
assign (verb)1.
to give a task, duty, or responsibility to
assign, charge, commission, task, trustRELATED WORDS:
confer, impose; commit, confide, consign, delegate, recommend, relegate, repose; allocate, allot; authorize, empower, invest2.
to give as a share or portion
allocate, allow, apportion, assign, distribute, lot, rationRELATED WORDS:
admeasure, administer, deal, dispense, divide, dole out, hand out, measure, mete (out), meter, parcel (out), part, portion, prorate, share (out), split; accord, award, give, grant; earmark, reserve; chip in, contribute, donate; reallocate, reapportion, reassign, redistributeNEAR ANTONYMS:
begrudge, deny, deprive (of); keep, retain, stint, withhold; appropriate, arrogate, confiscate3.
to give over the legal possession or ownership of
alien, alienate, assign, cede, convey, deed, make overRELATED WORDS:
bequeath, hand down, leave, pass (down), will; bestow, commend, commit, confer, contribute, deliver, donate, grant, hand over, move, pass, present, release, relinquish, surrender, transmit, turn in, turn over, vest, yield; consign, entrust ( intrust), trust; lease, lend, let [], loan, rentNEAR ANTONYMS:
to pick (someone) by one's authority for a specific position or duty
assign, attach, commission, constitute, designate, detail, name, nominate, placeRELATED WORDS:
authorize, delegate, depute, deputize; anoint, consecrate, create, inaugurate, induct, install, instate, institute, invest, make, ordain; crown, enthrone, throne; choose, destine, draft, elect, handpick, select, single (out), vote (in)NEAR ANTONYMS:
blackball, depose, dethrone, displace, eject, evict, oust, overthrow, remove, throw out, uncrown, unmake, unseatRisk Free Exam Pass Guarantee
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